STSM Grants

The Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM) consists in a visit to a group involved in the Action located in a different country than that of affiliation.

STSM Grants aim to help:
  • Young Researchers (PhD students, Postdoc fellows, Research Assistant) gain new knowledge or access to equipment or techniques not available in their home institution;
  • PIs to establish new collaborations or reinforce existing ones.
STSM also benefit STSM Hosts who receive an international partner in their institution, thus helping develop long lasting collaboration.


Calendar for next calls:

  1. First call will close on January 31st. Results by February 14th.
  2. Second call will close on April 30th. Results by May 14th.
  3. Third call will close on June 30th. Results by July 14th.

Templates for 2025 Grants:

Detailed reports of the individuals who have received assistance: